What the Bible Says

Imagine what an impact there would be if this tragic epidemic were to be wiped out! Is that not the gospel message? With an ear to hear the heart of God, Church leadership can also better respond to this epidemic that threatens the family, the very institution the Church is designed to protect. Believers can seek practical resources that will not only provide assistance but provide it in the power and compassion of the gospel message. Not only can they but they must! Never has the need for deep Church involvement been greater. (“Do You See This Woman” by Elizabeth Sherrell.)

The following Scripture references speak the heart of God for victims affected by the ravages of domestic violence and abuse (from World Evangelical Fellowship, Task Force on Abuse Against Women):

  • The Bible calls for loving, responsible relationships between members of the family, with each in honor and industry providing for the needs of the other. (Psalms 128:1-4; 133:1-3; 1 Timothy 5:8)
  • A wife is an equal heir of the grace of life and not the possession of her husband. (1 Peter 3:7; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
  • God’s plan is that the home should be free of oppression. (Isaiah 54:5-14; Romans 12:8)
  • Physical violence and verbal abuse are forbidden by God. (Psalm 56:5-6; Isaiah 58:4-6)
  • Silence, denial, secrecy and concealment are not God’s way of dealing with problems. (Matthew 10:26; James 5:16)
  • The Church is charged with the responsibility to address situations of abuse within its own community. This is not a suggestion, but a command. (Matthew 8:15-17; Galatians 6:1)
  • Forgiveness is the work of the Holy Spirit. For the abuser; it must be preceded by true repentence. For the abused, forgiveness is part of the healing process and will take time and perhaps distance. (1 Corinthians 7:10-11; James 1:4, Romans 2:4)
  • Sometimes seperations are the best cource for the safety and peace of family members. It can actually be a tool for reconciliation. (Genesis 13:7-11; Proverbs 24:1-2; Acts 16:36-40)
  • Godly men and women are called to acknowledge the prevalence and severity of abuse, to respond compassionately to those who suffer, and to aid in their healing through practical and spiritual support. (Isaiah 58:6-7; Romans 12:15; Ecclesiastes 4:1)
  • While Christians may in some circumstances risk their lives for the sake of the gospel,they shold not be exhorted to remain or return to life-threatening and/or risk of safety situations. (Romans 16:3-4; Matthew 4:5-7; Acts 9:23-24)

Let us as believers and as a Church always express zero tolerance for abuse of any kind. Let us exercise discernment that alerts us to an abuser and let us never be unprepared to serve the victims. We have an obvious challenge before us as we hear God’s heart and it is a challenge we can meet with God’s help.

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Gracefull Ministries LLC | P. O. Box 51, Saginaw, AL 35137
Dr. Jerra Dooley, Director | (205) 202-9531


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Dr. Jerra Dooley shares God’s transforming grace with women one-on-one and in small or large groups using inspiring words, heartfelt music, and a little humor. Read More»

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